Can You Relate?

This was like my life growing up, because I was picked on a lot for being different but I am SO GRATEFUL that I stayed true to myself 🙂

I hope this makes you smile!

You ARE Beautiful

Please share this on your blog and with everyone. This is such a POWERFUL message and everyone needs to hear this! Its so incredibly powerful in shaping the way that we see ourselves.

– So that you TRULY see yourself as the beautiful person you are.

Please share this.

Change is a Decision

Change is a Decision

You’re Perfect :)

Me and Dakota really believe that giving is a HUGE part of life and having success. But we wanted to do something a little bit more creative..

So instead of just giving to a charity, we decided to make signs that say “you’re perfect”.

We walked around Rawaii in Phuket, Thailand and it was SO rewarding to see all the smiles of the people seeing our signs 🙂 It honestly was the best feeling ever to be able to make people happy!

So join the movement and make your own signs and share the love and energy! 🙂

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Daily Inspiration – Be Yourself

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One of the most powerful things you can do is be yourself. Is to follow your heart and to stay on purpose in your life. 
Thats honestly when EVERYTHING starts to “flow” in your life is when you live in purpose.
But I know this is easier said that done. Thats why I made this short video for you.
Because in todays world – being different, unique, and your own person is really suppressed. Look at all the messages that were shown that we have to be look a certain way, buy a certain car, and do certain things to be happy. And its bullshit. 
I may be really happy and on an incredible journey right now, but it was always like this…
I was bullied almost all my life growing up.
I was almost always different compared to the people I grew up with in a small town called Thorsby. I loved playing basketball when everyone else played hockey. I hated scary movies and was almost made fun of at friends houses. 
I absolutely love music and acting, but that wasn’t “the norm”. So I walked the halls in my school being called gay, and a fag EVERYDAY. I even got kip napped a couple times by other guys in my school who hated me so much..
So from all of that I became depressed midway through school, and had a lot of thoughts of ending my life…
I know this might be a little heavy, but I just want to paint a picture for you. Because as much as I was oppressed I never backed down from who I was.
And from that I completely turned my life around. I went so 180 that some people thought was “on drugs” because I was so happy and full of bliss. 
So I made you this video to inspire and encourage you. I personally want to empower you.
Everything you need to be happy and complete is already inside of you. When you get on purpose, and be who you truly are inside its the most fulfilling thing that I’ve personally experienced in my life.  

So never ever EVER stop being yourself!

Have an amazing day 🙂
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Finding True Happiness Through Detachment

Science of Parallel Universes

Mind Blown Yet?

Made $1175 While Tanning at the Beach

Made $1175 While Tanning at the Beach

I just checked, and I realized I’ve made $1175 from my blog, while I’ve been hanging out in Thailand at the beach.

You have no idea how AMAZING it feels to be able to relax, have fun, and hang out with friends while having commissions come into my email.

And all this has come from my blog.

I just found out about a pretty sweet program where I can just blog, drive traffic, and make a full time income workin a couple hours a day.

And you know what the best part is?

I get to help other people do the same thing with our team Project AWOL (another way of life).

And its perfect, because our vision with Project AWOL is helping literally ANYONE be able to create an income to give them freedom to really do the things they want to do.

Simply allowing people to live the life style that they truly want to.

We’ve been around the “get rich quick” programs quite a bit, and have seen a lot of people have very little results.

So we wanted to cut the bullshit.

We wanted to get real with people, and ACTUALLY help them. Not just sell some product product, and then say “good luck” and never talk to them again.

We want to help YOU.

Because that’s what we stand for. If you’re someone who’s just in for yourself, and you dont want to help anybody then this ISNT FOR YOU.

But If you actually want to be able to create an online income, and help other people do the same then click the button below for some more information.

Cheers! 🙂


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The Difference is Your Attitude

The Difference is Your Attitude

Live an Inspiring Life